Milo AKA Scruffy

*NOW IN A NEW HOME* Milo is a Bedlington x Whippet. He is 1 1/2 years old. He is was neutered 3 months ago. Sadly Milo was knocked over as a pup and broke his leg. This is now fixed but unfortunately left Milo with a severe fear of larger dogs. This has made walks very stressful for Milo, so the owners feel a new home, perhaps with a large garden would better suit Milo. He will need patience and understanding. A home with no other larger dogs and no cats would be best for Milo. Although used to children, because of his behaviour when scared we feel older children would be better. If you think you could offer Milo this type of home, then please contact us by email We will pass on suitable enquiries to the owner who will ultimately make the final decision.